Online Shop
When we launched our online shop several months ago we were hoping for an improvement in the way we could provide a service to our customers. We don’t mind admitting when we get things wrong! The truth was the shop was a little ‘clunky’, not mobile device friendly and didn’t give you many options on how to get your medications delivered to you.
Well…. we took your comments on board and started from scratch – with a new, improved look and integration into our website. The new shop enables you to select where and how you want your purchases delivered: to your home, on your yard, on your next visit or even left in a secure location. We have also integrated the shop into our website to help with the maintenance and monitoring of the shop and its orders. This also gives F&P Equine more control of the complete ordering and delivery process – which means we can change it quickly to help make your life easier.
The shop is in its final stages and a few products are already available. More will be added over the coming week and if you think we can continue to improve by adding another service / product just let us know!

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