
Liscombe Park Equestrian Centre Soulbury Road, Soulbury, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom

In this yard talk we will be discussing all aspects of lameness in the horse. Topics covered will include: How to notice a lame horse How to notice the difference between fore and hind limb lameness Videos of types of lamenesses Techniques used to isolate the cause of a lameness


The Performance Horse

The Greyhound Inn Stocks Road, Aldbury, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

The evening will have two main focuses: A. Fiske-Jackson – European Diploma holder in Equine Surgery from the RVC, will be talking about the use of the latest equipment to help in the diagnosis of even the most subtle of lamenesses. Dr. C. Bristow – Nutritional Team Manager from Dodson & Horrell Feeds, will be giving […]


Colic Movie Night

The Greyhound Inn Stocks Road, Aldbury, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

It could only happen to my horse!

The Greyhound Inn Stocks Road, Aldbury, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

Horse injuries, lumps, bumps and the down right weird! We have all been there .... "why my horse!?", "this never happens to anyone else!", " why is my horse so […]

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Test your lameness skills

Liscombe Park Equestrian Centre Soulbury Road, Soulbury, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom

Join us for an interactive evening testing your lameness diagnosis skills. We will be covering a host of lameness related topics: What to look for in the lame horse. The differences in isolating forelimb and hindlimb lamenesses. Biomechanics of horse. Practical assessments of live horses. Where do you start in trying to isolate the cause […]


Come and celebrate with us!

The Greyhound Inn Stocks Road, Aldbury, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

On the 12th December we will be hosting a small celebration of our achievement at the Hertfordshire Business Awards - with some festive cheer! Come and join us for a pub quiz and a 'test your skills challenge' (more info on the night!), coupled with mince pies, mulled wine and some extra food thrown in […]

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Backs and Guts!

The Greyhound Inn Stocks Road, Aldbury, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

We are privileged to have two international specialists from the Royal Veterinary College coming to give us an insight into several topics: "Backs to the Future - current therapy for back pain" - Andy Fiske-Jackson, BVSc MVetMed FHEA Dipl. ECVS MRCVS. RCVS and European Specialist in Equine Surgery "No Guts, No Glory - how a healthy gut […]


Snot, sneezes & infectious diseases

The Greyhound Inn Stocks Road, Aldbury, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

Snot, sneezes & infectious diseases - current and emerging disease threats to your horse and how you can safeguard against them. Unless you live in Iceland (we will explain why lol), or your horse has no contact with another horse which has travelled any further than the end of your yard for years - this […]


Choose your type of client evening

We appreciate it has been a while and not all people want the same thing from client evening ( apart from free food... which there will be! ) Therefore we are putting on several things so you have a choice: Listen to a client talk. Covering several topics, including a new lameness treatment without the laminitis […]

Emily’s adventures in the Gambia

Farr and Pursey Home The Old Tack Room, Church Farm, Station Road, Aldbury, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

So what's going on? All about The Gambia Horse and Donkey Trust (GHDT) Volunteering as an equine vet and the differences between UK and The Gambia Other animals at the GHDT We will be hosting the client evening in the fantastic cafe on site at Church Farm. Drinks will be included! There will be a selection […]

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